Yoga tomorrow, First Class Free in February, and New Series info
I’m writing with a few Mt. Baker Yoga updates.
First of all, there will be class tomorrow, Monday, at 9 am as usual. If you have President’s Day day off, come join us to start your week off with yoga. We’ll be finishing up the series on hips, seat, and meditation, so come ready for some warming movement, hip opening, and relaxation.
And, since we have room for more in our lovely, cozy-but-spacious community center, I invite you to bring friends (or if you haven’t been before, come for the first time!). New students’ first class is free for the rest of February. Regular drop-in rate is $10-15, sliding scale.
Regular schedule continues:
Mondays, 9 – 10 am
Wednesdays, 7-8:15 pm*
*Please note, there will be no class the week of March 11.
Next six-week series starts next week
In the next series we will turn our focus from our seat and pelvis up into the spine, especially focusing on twists. Yoga asana (postures) that twist the body can get deep into the spine and digestive organs, and their asymmetry can bring playfulness to your practice. So come play! Please sign up online for the series – $50/six classes. Sign up online for Mondays here, or Wednesdays here. You can pay through paypal or bring a check to the first class.
Classes will be
Mondays – Feb. 25, March 4, 18, 25, April 1, 8
Wednesdays – Feb. 27, March 6, 20, 27, April 3, 10
(again, note no class March. 11/13)
And finally, a poem about practice that I came across recently in the newest anthology of Poetry of Yoga that spoke to me.
The end of brute force
the beginning
of letting go
putting one foot
in front of the other
until you’ve uncovered it
a whole
of seeing
your Self.