November, December and New Years Day Yoga!
Dear yoga community,
Happy full-on Fall! One of my students answered “how are you feeling?” recently with “confused by the darkness!” And indeed, lots of us feel the darkness coming quickly this time of year. I used to dread this feeling – of the cold and wet and dark season hurdling upon us – but over the past few years I’ve been working to more purposefully embrace the darkness. So this season, we’ll again in class be looking at the opportunities that come with the season asking us to slow down and go inward.
I am so grateful to all of my students – those who have become part of my every week and come without fail, and those of you who just drop in when you can. If you haven’t joined us recently, please feel free to contact me if you have requests or need ideas on how to make class work for you.
Finally, bringing a second kid into our family has turned out to be a non-linear equation – although parents’ memories are notoriously bad, I am sure that the daily joy and work of parenting has way more than doubled in my life. All this is to say, I don’t put up posters any more to invite people to yoga classes! So if you have a chance to forward this on, or tell friends and neighbors about our classes, I’d love your help.
Here is the information about upcoming classes. Please take note that there is no class next Monday… Happy Halloween!
– Krista
Community Yoga Late Fall Series
Nov. 7 – Dec. 12
At the Mount Baker Community Club, Mondays, 6 – 7:15pm
Both the Yoga Sutras and Buddhism teach that we create much of our own suffering by clinging to pleasure and avoiding pain. In this six-week series we will look at how yoga practice might help us notice our patterns of grasping so that we can find freedom from our self-created suffering.
In this late fall series we will also continue making a little more space for meditation, as well as finding the joy of synching our breath and movement. As always, all bodies and experience levels welcome!
All are welcome in this class regardless of ability to pay. My suggested price is $60 for all six classes – you can pre-register here – or $12-15 for a drop-in. To pay for the full series, you can either pay online through paypal or bring cash/check on the first day of class. Class is every Monday night at the Mt. Baker Community Club.
Information, prices and registration for Monday night yoga here.
Gentle Yoga Thursday Mornings
My class at Lotus has been growing steadily, and I look forward to seeing many of you at 9:30 Thursday mornings! In the gentle classes we’ll be examining some of the same themes as Monday nights. If you haven’t checked out Lotus, its on Rainier right across from the Columbia City Bakery.
New Years Day Yoga 2017!
It is now officially a tradition! Join me in this body-positive New Years Day celebration of who you already are. Resolutions are welcome if they serve you, but come to this class also ready to celebrate being alive in your already beautiful body, perfect in your imperfections, with your strengths and shortcomings, brilliance and pettiness, solidity and fragility, sorrow and joy. The two-hour New Years morning class will include yoga asana, optional partner practices, restorative relaxation and meditation. Bring a journal, cozy socks, and a friend! Details to come – mark your calendar!