Tomorrow We Start a New Series @Community Yoga
This coming Monday, Oct. 26, we begin a new 6-week community yoga series at the Mt. Baker Community Club. Our physical focus will be on stability and flexibility in our hips. And we’ll also explore the second of the Yoga Sutra’s ethical principles: Satya, truthfulness. What does it look like to be honest with ourselves about our strengths and limitations and needs while we practice? And how does this practice give us the strength to see and speak our truth in the rest of our lives?
The short version for the Monday Night series is:
Oct. 26-Nov. 30 – Hips and Satya!
$60 for six classes
Pre-registration HERE is helpful if you plan to take the series (pay online or first day of class)
Drop-ins always welcome, $12-15 suggested price
Mt Baker Community Club
Also! I am back teaching Thursday morning Gentle Yoga at Lotus Yoga in Columbia City, 9:30-10:45 am. If you haven’t been to Lotus, it is a beautiful studio and a welcoming community of students. I often have a similar focus to my classes each week, so if you happen to have Monday evenings and Thursday mornings free, the classes often compliment each other.
I feel especially called to think about truth and voice as I’ve witnessed the events unfold around People of Color (POC) Yoga in Seattle – first the virulent attacks, and now a lot of community support and conversation about how to heal. I wrote about it, and others have written great reflections as well. (Links to those articles are below.) People are planning community discussions about diversity and safe spaces in yoga, as well as thinking bigger about how yoga could be part of the healing (rather than perpetuation of the status quo) around racism in our country. I’ll update my facebook page and announce in class when those events are happening. And there is a petition circulating in support of POC yoga that is included below as well.
When People of Color Say They Need Their Own Yoga, White People Should Listen, by Krista Hanson
Why We Need Safe Spaces in Yoga, by Susanna Barkataki
Petition: Solidarity With Seattle for POC Yoga